Thank you to the author for sending me a signed copy of the book in return for an honest review.
Dollar Signs is the first book in a future series about Merit Bridges, an attorney and widowed mother in Austin, Texas. In the story Merit and her legal team take on a corporation with corrupt methods. With their lives threatened, the team race against the clock to win their case.
My first impression was hugely positive. The book was of good quality and the front cover was intriguing.
I knew from the start that I might find it hard to follow the story as it's not the genre I usually read, however I was pleasantly surprised. The author had obviously put a lot of effort into her writing. I think had this book been a little faster paced, I would have been sucked in more, but I certainly wasn't reluctant to carry on reading it.
I found the legal jargon and details a little too much as it made it harder for me, someone who has not trained in the law, to understand. Obviously, for someone who understands the terms and vocabulary, this would not be an issue. Perhaps if I read this genre more I'd have understood more, but I also believe this level of detail was unnecessary for the plot.
I also found some areas of writing a little choppy - they made sense to read but didn't flow so well. As a primary school teacher who is constantly attempting to help her year fours improve their writing, I am possibly wearing my teachers hat here but I do believe flow is important!
This definitely wasn't a badly written book. Authors improve with experience, and this is the authors first book, so I can appreciate that her style of writing will evolve.
Characters and story
Whilst Merit was an interesting character (with a back story and future potential) but I have to say I didn't connect with her or the other characters. I just couldn't work out what was 'bad ass' about her team, or why Merit kept saying 'coolio!'. Lots of the characters didn't seem to play a part in the larger plot.
The plot was interesting, although I generally find legal matters hard to follow. A lot of my lack of understanding probabl not only came from the legal genre but from the location - Texas.
I have never been to the U.S. and Texas probably wouldn't be the first place if head. I'd like to go there, but it's a bit further down the list. Anyway, this is relevant because I feel some plot points, statements and jokes were ones that would only make sense to Americans or perhaps even only Texans. I also felt that at some points the book was getting dangerously close to being a pro- gun advert. I mean, everyone has their own opinions and they are allowed them, but I didn't think it was necessary.
Overall I gave this book 3 stars on GoodReads, but it's probably closer to 3.5 stars. Easy to read but could have been more adventurous with the writing. Good plot line but not an addictive read.