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Sunday, 11 October 2015

Life and Death Liveblog: Chapter Four

Chapter 4 – Invitations

No one else followed her around the same way I did. It was pathetic, and kind of stalkerish.’ No no no BeauBella! It’s Edythe’s job to stalk you soon, don’t worry!

I’ve just noticed, apparently they have biology every day in this school. Is this a normal thing? Is it a science specialised high school?

Her dimples flashing’ – alert alert, LadyEd has dimples!

‘She must know how obsessed I was with her. It wasn’t like I was hiding it very well.’ Dude you haven’t spoken to the girl in 6 weeks, and then you had an angry two minute conversation. I’d say you are definitely hiding an obsession well.

‘Which made perfect sense, because obviously I wasn’t interesting.’ You got that right. It’s seeing this from a female perspective, looking at BeauBella’s life, that I realise how odd it is Edward went for Bella. Sure, she smelled great. But…that is not something to build a relationship on, especially with such a huge age difference. Both Bella and BeauBella are a little too bland.

‘Edythe was the opposite of boring.’ HOW DO YOU KNOW THIS. She has spoken to you maybe twice. Sure, she stopped a truck hitting you but even you aren’t sure if that happened. She’s mysteriously pissed off at you – weird, sure. But I don’t think the tiny amount of interactions you’ve had can classify her as the opposite of boring.

‘Her long, bronze-y hair.’ Bronze is a colour, so please stop saying bronze-y.

‘She stared up at me, seeming oblivious to the drizzling rain that was falling. She was apparently wearing no make-up at all – nothing smudged or ran. Of course, her face was that perfect naturally.’ I don’t know why this annoys me. Maybe because a 17 year old boy would not think this? Maybe because it doesn’t need to be said? Maybe because at 26 I still have a stereotypical teenage complexion (I THOUGHT I WAS MEANT TO GROW OUT OF ACNE) whilst also having the first signs of ageing?

‘I looked down at her rain washed face, clean and perfect.’ Ah yes, that is the first thing I think of when I see a face in the rain. How clean it is.

Another really short chapter. I don’t know if my live blogs are so short because I’m doing it wrong? I’m only really commenting on the things that are different to the original Twilight, which is not much at all, considering Bella now has a dick. Should I be commenting on everything, whether it was present in the original or not?


  1. you know what i'm curious about seeing as you mentioned the d, is whether beau will allude to having a boner or not, though i'm guessing that mormon meyer wouldn't go there
    n i like that edwardina has dimples that's cute! and you're absolutely right that it seems in both stories edward/edwardina build relationships because basically beau/bella smell like great cheeseburgers (vampire equivalent) or something?? this whole series will never cease to be the weirdest thing in the world to me.

    1. I know, immortal with dimples made me smile :)
      I bet BeauBella never gets a boner (or masturbate) because he is an innocent good boy. Not that I'd really want to read about that anyway :/ What's he going to masturbate over? How cold her skin was and how much she wanted to eat him?!

    2. oh yeah no thats not a story i'd want to read either....but i bet somewhere a fanfic writer is working HARD on it (pun intended??)

  2. The way it worked for us in school, was that you usually had the same courses everyday, but in different time slots. Some classes alternated, like half the year we had drama, and then the other half art was in that time slot. So it's completely plausible to have science every day!

    1. The way Smeyer write it, it's like they have Biology every day after lunch. Science once a day seems fine, but I wonder how they fit in other subjects if they have 5 biology lessons a week...

    2. well maybe they all grow up to be like CRAZY good scientists & end up terrible in every other subject

    3. Maybe THAT'S why they keep going to high school. They want to get top marks in specific subjects so they go through all those years of high school just to get an A* in biology at the best biology school in the country.
      I'd definitely use my time to travel the world instead.


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